Sunday, February 9, 2014

Project #4 C4T Comment and Summary

I was assigned to comment and summarize Wesley Fryer blog post. His blog is called "Moving at the Speed of Creativity". Background information that I learned on Wesley is that he is an educator, writer, and speaker. The first blog post I read from him was "Academic Publishing and Relevance". He analyzed the pros and cons for academic publishing. From his point of view he stated that it does not matter how many papers you write it will not guarantee you a job in the future. You should write for yourself not others. The topic you are writing on should be meaningful and informative. When you publish a paper be true to yourself.

My comment for the first post was that the relevance of academic publishing has changed over the years. I did not know much about academic publishing. From my understanding, when a person publishes their work they need to be happy with their work they have accomplished. The facts should be relevant and informative.

The second blog I read by Wesley Fryer was titled "Visualize: Sticky Learning( Visual Note taking)". Visual Notetaking is a different form of taking notes. It can be done with a paper and pen. As well as an iPad. This type of note taking can be done by drawing pictures and writing words. It forms a story on paper. Many children learn by drawing images while listening to their teacher at the same time. Visual note taking takes practice and the students need to form pictures that they can use in there notes beforehand. The images need to be simple and easy so you can modify them while taking notes. Once they master this art of visual note taking it can be very useful. It does not require you to be a good artist. Watch this inspiring video about visual note taking, it will make you want to encourage your future students to take notes like this!

My second comment was that I like this new approach for taking notes. Many students need another solution and often get bored with taking regular notes. This gives all students an opportunity to take notes and give them another option. By taking visual notes it seems to use a different level of thinking. What ways can we encourage students to take visual notes? How many teachers are already doing this kind of note taking?

6 FundamentalsofVisualNotetaking


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